The VC Essentials training offers room for interaction and, if possible, we focus on practical examples as much as possible. The training also offers sufficient opportunities to meet colleagues in
The VC Essentials training offers room for interaction and, if possible, we focus on practical examples as much as possible. The training also offers sufficient opportunities to meet colleagues in
Hoe bouw je een effectief VC Board? Hoe ga je om met belangen van aandeelhouders en RvC-leden? Aandeelhouders streven naar waardecreatie, terwijl bestuurders het management moeten helpen om gestelde doelen
The VC Essentials training offers room for interaction and, if possible, we focus on practical examples as much as possible. The training also offers sufficient opportunities to meet colleagues in
In twelve interactive modules, led by experts from national and international VC funds, you’ll delve into every aspect of investments with the Venture Capital Essentials. You'll have plenty of opportunities
How to Build an Effective VC Board? How to handle shareholder and Advisory Board Member Interests? Shareholders strive for value creation while directors must assist management in achieving set goals.
In twelve interactive modules, led by experts from national and international VC funds, you’ll delve into every aspect of investments with the Venture Capital Essentials. You'll have plenty of opportunities
Invest Europe publiceerde vorige week de studie 'VC Success Stories Across Life Sciences in Europe'. De nieuwe studie zoomt in op investeringen en werkgelegenheid in life science. VCs verstrekten aan
In de interviewreeks ‘VC in the spotlight’ zetten we venture capitalists in de spotlight. We trappen af met Lisanne Blauw, Investment Analyst bij Thuja Capital Management (Thuja). Na haar postdoctorale
Op donderdag 23 september organiseerden we voor het eerst sinds lange tijd weer een borrel, namelijk de NVP VC Afterwork drinks voor de VC community. Getuige de grote opkomst en
Met grote trots verwelkomen wij ons 50ste VC lid imec.xpand. imec.xpand is een early-stage & growth fonds dat investeert in hardware gedreven nanotech innovatieve start-ups en dat zo bijdraagt aan