Victor Straatman about Effective VC Boards

Victor Straatman (4impact) participated in the Advanced training Effective VC Boards and tells you all about his key-takeaways and building meaningful connections.

How would you describe the VC Boards training in one sentence?
A highly interactive, practical, and enjoyable program that every VC investor should experience. With this training NVP members can elevate board execution to the next level!

Can you describe a particular topic that was especially relevant for you?
Sharing practical experiences within the group about board and founder dynamics. During the course, we were challenged to communicate certain board issues with various stakeholders. This exercise was incredibly useful and offered valuable insights into navigating complex interpersonal and professional dynamics effectively.

What was a key takeaway from this training?
The impact of an effective board on a company is significant, and developing yourself as a board member is essential. This starts with simple yet practical elements, such as board hygiene and structure, which are covered through best practices in the course. Top-performing companies need top-performing boards!

Why should people sign up?
Everyone else left the course with valuable insights, energy, and a sense of gratitude for participating. It’s a unique opportunity to gain practical board knowledge and share board experiences within the NVP community.

2025-01-30 15:36:32