Professional standards

NVP | Code of conduct

Since 1986, the NVP has had a code of conduct. In 2020, this was updated. The code of conduct is based on five general principles endorsed by the members of the NVP and guiding their daily actions:

  • A private equity/ venture capital firm acts socially aware.
  • A private equity/ venture capital firm has a long-term investment horizon.
  • A private equity/ venture capital firm communicates openly.
  • A private equity/ venture capital firm respects confidentiality.
  • A private equity/ venture capital firm adheres to the rules.

The five general principles of the Code of Conduct and the Membership Code, which provides guidelines specifically for NVP membership, can be downloaded here.

For the application of these principles, we refer to the best practices outlined in the Invest Europe Handbook of Professional Standards. The Practical Guides can be found here. The same page also contains investor reporting standards and IPEV valuation guidelines.